· Translation, editing and post-editing
· Event planning
· Language coaching
The loribrí was a mythological creature with the bill of a parrot and the body of a hummingbird. Gifted with the ability to speak in the tongues of men, she dashed restlessly here and there, vibrating, hovering, sipping from all the sources of paradise, aloft yet seemingly not flying. Her appearance was somewhat strange – brilliant plumage, large wings and a beak for talking, but as the saying goes, ogni uccello è buono per il becco suo.
She was a migratory bird (Asturias, Ireland, England, Belgium, Barcelona, Vigo, Germany…) with a silver tongue; a fully fledged frühe Vogel, working come un passero and, petit à petit, l’oiseau faisait son nid. Back then she was already a oiseau moqueur, a rara avis able to spot the tiniest errors a volo di uccello. But above all, she was vrij als een vogel.
Ognuno di noi ha un paio di ali, ma solo chi sogna impara a volare.

Translation, editing and post-editing
Technical and scientific.
Marketing and general translation.
Translation for publishers, proofreading and style editing

Event planning
Design and planning for conferences, seminars, conventions and meetings.